We are still sparring. Nothing like a secret to get people going and generate some bills, as any lawyer knows.
FOI requests: Southwark wrote patronisingly to me using my christian name and not putting any signature to their letter. Presumably people are beginning to worry about 'discovery'. They have told me they cannot answer one of my freedom of information (FOI) requests because it asks for information about a specific person (Joshua Harris) because it is exempt under an Act, containing as it does personal data as well as 'data of third party information' (whatever that is) but have ignored the other (about Althea Loderick's pay) so I have found it necessary to reword one of the requests to not name anybody. This is what I wrote:-
Corporate Inforation Governance Team
Inforation Governance.
Governance and Assurance
Southwark Council
PO box 64529
London SE1P 5LX
1 July 2024
Your reference 26823165
Dear unknown correspondent
It is remarkable how many new departments seem to be appearing in the council.
Please could you sign your letters to me. You have given no name and no signature. A little transparency might be a good idea. Southwark seems to go to such great lengths to keep everything a secret, and there does seem to be a bit of fraud going on.
Here in a different form is one of my two FOI requests that you have ignored:
FOI request:- Please could you tell me the amount of council money received this year and last year by the council's Chief Executive Officer? (this will include not just basic salary if it applies but any bonuses and special payments etc in addition).
And here is a new FOI request:
How may I see the how much the council has spent on outsourcers of every kind during the last two years?
But also I received a letter from one Ernst Erasmus saying he is an arborical officer. This also was unsigned, and invited me to visit a website called www.trees.org.uk to get a quote for my enormous tree to be pruned. Maybe there is a bit of commission available to anybody who can induce me to spend some money on treework. My response was:-
Ernst Erasmus, arboricultural officer
Environment Neighbourhoods and growth
Southwark council
160 Tooley St., London SE1 2QH
1 July 2024
Dear Mr. Erasmus
Thank your for your letter of 20th June re my lime tree. I notice you have not signed it, and as fraud is common in Southwark council please could you send me a copy with your signature on it?
If you look at your records you will find that I have applied for planning permission to fell this tree some long time ago (it has, of course, grown in the meantime) and permission has been refused. At the time I only cited the more obvious points, but in fact it is beginning to destroy my property. Soon there will be cracks appearing in the house and I will ask the insurers to pay for repairs - and as I have already applied for permission to fell they will then ask the council to pay not just for the repairs but also for the felling of the tree. If the tree is not felled, further damage will occur, and so the cracking will go on. At present it is only threatening the frontage but has already done some damage to the paving, front steps and wall.
As somebody who once owned much woodland I have seen the kind of damage such trees can do. They are very powerful.
This is what last update contained:-
We're still sparring.
Southwark have written from a new address telling me they will answer my freedom of information enquiry regarding Joshua Harris and another matter by 4th July, but have completely ignored my freedom of information request regarding CEO (etc) salaries. This is rather strange. They also tell me that in some cases a fee may be payable and that some information may not be something they will divulge - exemptions. under the Act etc.
I don't know if Companies House might be able to help regarding Althea Loderick's pay.
So I wrote as follows:-
Information Governance Team
Government and Assurance
FOI reference 26863165.
20th June 2024.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your letter of the 11th June.
I need to point out that I also asked about CEO and high officer's emoluments last year and this year. Please include that answer with the other request regarding Joshua Harris of the legal department.
Additionally, please tell me what your postal address is.
So I will have to post my letter to Southwark's regular address and everyone in the postroom will be able to read it if they feel so inclined.
Update 12 June 2024
Today I tried to contact Southwark Parking Services by email and discovered that was impossible - 'undelivered mail returned to sender' was the reply, so I was forced to send them a letter, which is a wasteful and relatively expensive activity.
Here is what I said:-
Southwark parking services
Admail 4197
London SE1
12 june 2024
Despite your best efforts to prevent me doing so I finally managed to pay for a street parking permit in April to Southwark's bank account (about 16th April).
However, had you not been so very unhelpful I would have paid for one as soon as the demand came, even though I believe that in law I have no obligation at all to buy one.
I have a large number of PCNs here that your people have served. You need to cancel them all because I won't be paying them.
Sending letters is quite an expensive process. Please give me an email address that works. You have chosen to try to make your business run on almost no staff, but I cannot see any reason why you should expect us (the public) to do your work for you.
It would be interesting to know whether any of the money you collect actually goes to the council.
Update 4 June 2024
I am still getting millions of PCNs, and as nobody answers letters or emails in Southwark I have sent a letter as follows:-
Southwark council
160 Tooley St.,
London SE1 2QH
Shop rents in Crossthwaite Road and other council shops, CEO's annual pay, Dashcard Services, fraud in the council, freedom of information.
4 June 2024
Dear sir/Madam
It costs me a lot of time and about £1 each time I write a letter, and as most of them are never answered or are answered evasively I will from now onwards be sending letters with multiple subjects where necessary. This will of course be a waste of time for Southwark as much as it is for me.
I enclose with this letter a copy of a previous letter dated 16th of May this year to which I would like an answer please, particularly with relation to your CEO's Annual pay, but also the other matters.
Dashcard Services have given me dozens of PCNs on my car when I have (despite their efforts to prevent me doing so) paid for a street parking permit some weeks ago by paying into Southwark Council's normal and regular account. The payment was tagged with the car number and the words 'parking permit' Please tell them to stop wasting council taxes on useless pursuits. I need to tell you that I will not be paying these PCNs.
I have received your Notice of enforcement liability order 2745178 dated by your accounting department 22 May which (I presume) is because your accountants have ignored the correspondence regarding single/multiple resident change of use which took place immediately before the change. You will have to go to the county court over this if you persist.
Freedom of information request Does Joshua Harris (who wrote on behalf of Southwark on a few occasions) no longer work for Southwark Council? Does he even exist?
Could you please tell me who I need to contact if I wish to make an enquiry of a legal nature regarding Southwark Council?
Whilst Joshua Harris did manage to fend off my claim regrding balcony repairs (Claim no. K01BR5790) I will eventually return this matter to the county court even if it does cost me a lot to do so as Southwark's various fraudsters have caused me a lot of financial damage over the years and I also want the public to know what happens there.
Your arboricultural department have told me I will have to pay them £6,000 if I fell a tree in my garden that is hollow at the bottom. Who will this money go to if I do so? I made an enquiry about why a tree on The far western end of Champion Park was felled and it has not been answered. This is not critical, but as that tree was not anything like as diseased as my sycamore it seems rather telling. I also need toremind you that if my gigantic lime tree blows over in a storm the damage to my own and/or several other houses ill be rather extensive. I asked if Southwark would pay for the damage it does in the light of council' refusal of permission to fell this tree. It would not be financially viable to pollard it.
It would be lovely to have an honest council with honest employees. I keep on hoping.
Southwark council
160 Tooley St.,
London SE1 2QH
Shop rents in Crossthwaite Road and other council shops, CEO's annual pay, Dashcard Services, fraud in the council, freedom of information.
4 June 2024
Dear sir/Madam
It costs me a lot of time and about £1 each time I write a letter, and as most of them are never answered or are answered evasively I will from now onwards be sending letters with multiple subjects where necessary. This will of course be a waste of time for Southwark as much as it is for me.
I enclose with this letter a copy of a previous letter dated 16th of May this year to which I would like an answer please, particularly with relation to your CEO's Annual pay, but also the other matters.
Dashcard Services have given me dozens of PCNs on my car when I have (despite their efforts to prevent me doing so) paid for a street parking permit some weeks ago by paying into Southwark Council's normal and regular account. The payment was tagged with the car number and the words 'parking permit' Please tell them to stop wasting council taxes on useless pursuits. I need to tell you that I will not be paying these PCNs.
I have received your Notice of enforcement liability order 2745178 dated by your accounting department 22 May which (I presume) is because your accountants have ignored the correspondence regarding single/multiple resident change of use which took place immediately before the change. You will have to go to the county court over this if you persist.
Freedom of information request Does Joshua Harris (who wrote on behalf of Southwark on a few occasions) no longer work for Southwark Council? Does he even exist?
Could you please tell me who I need to contact if I wish to make an enquiry of a legal nature regarding Southwark Council?
Whilst Joshua Harris did manage to fend off my claim regrding balcony repairs (Claim no. K01BR5790) I will eventually return this matter to the county court even if it does cost me a lot to do so as Southwark's various fraudsters have caused me a lot of financial damage over the years and I also want the public to know what happens there.
Your arboricultural department have told me I will have to pay them £6,000 if I fell a tree in my garden that is hollow at the bottom. Who will this money go to if I do so? I made an enquiry about why a tree on The far western end of Champion Park was felled and it has not been answered. This is not critical, but as that tree was not anything like as diseased as my sycamore it seems rather telling. I also need toremind you that if my gigantic lime tree blows over in a storm the damage to my own and/or several other houses ill be rather extensive. I asked if Southwark would pay for the damage it does in the light of council' refusal of permission to fell this tree. It would not be financially viable to pollard it.
It would be lovely to have an honest council with honest employees. I keep on hoping.
The local shops are being aked to pay for a rent rise of 143%, and this made me very curious. Who exactly will put this vastly increased revenue into their own account? I cannot (yet) accuse anybody, but as this whole matter of council fraud has grown, so I feel I must investigate.
I wrote a letter to Southwark as follows:
(Joshua Harris seems to have disappeared from the scene, so I had no particular person to address my letter to).
Southwark council
160 Tooley St.,
London SE1 2QH
Shop rents in Crossthwaite Road and other council shops.
16 May 2024
Dear sir/Madam
Please could you answer the following:
1. The shopkeepers in Crossthwaite Road say you are intending to raise their rents by 143%. Is this a universal increase in Southwark shop rents, or does it only apply to Crossthwaite Road? If only to Crossthwaite Road, why is it not being applied throughout the borough?
2. There appears to be much fraud in the council amongst staff and amongst outsourcers. Would it not be more sensible to tackle this problem instead of raising rents?
3. Freedom of information request: The CEO of Southwark and possibly some others will receive emoluments annually for their work. How much will each receive for the current fiscal year, and how much did each receive for last year?
This, of course, has not received a reply.That may be because Southwark have no money to pay the necessary staff to answer the mail (why? one has to ask) but it may also be to try to keep the public from knowing quite how corrupt things are there. I believe they are legally obliged to answer freedom of information requests.
I have had a couple more PCNs this week, and so as Dashcard ignore correspondence I will have to wait until they decide to try for a county court claim and then send a copy of a few emails and my bank statement as defence. What a vast waste of funds.
Update 9 May 2024
Another penalty charge notice was on my windscreen this morning, and I know it is no good writing to Althea Loderick (Southwark's CEO) because nobody ever answers, however important the matter may be.
I am a little curious as to whether she also is involved in this particular fraud.
It is not good enough really. After all, we all pay our council tax partially in order to have an honest council.
Needless to say, still nobody has told me who investigates fraud in Southwark Council despite my many requests.
Thank you for your email.
You may either purchase your permit on the website www.southwark.gov.uk or call customer services on 0344 800 2736 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) who will be able to assist you.
Appeals and Representations Officer
Parking & Traffic Enforcement Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth | Parking and Network management T: 0344 800 2736 W:www.southwark.gov.uk/parking
In other words, 'we don't want to use our time and resources to help anybody. Please phone us.' (which would anyway use some of their time even if they answered).
But as it is highly likely I will join an endless telephone queue and not get paid for it if I do that, I replied:
Thank you for writing.
Please could you give me a way of retrieving my password or resetting it. That is what your site is supposed to do.
Today I decided I ought to be fair and tried to log in yet again. Dashcard site said forgotten password? give email. I did. In about 10 minutes I got an email that directed me to a site that said they were no longer doing that, but only after asking me to report my problem.This site then sent me to a site that asked for my email and then sent me an email. The email had in it a link that said this site was no longer available and asked me to write to a postal address!
I probably will one day, but as I have already done that by another route I do not see the point.
I believe I have already asked them to contact me and put things right. They have not done so yet.
This matter is becoming more complicated to relate.
But here on a lighter note is an excert from othernews 17th. November 1997:-
2. All tenants are honest, save those included in schedule 5, 6 below, notwithstanding those parties who subject to the Aeroplane and Bat (low flying) Orders 1932 would otherwise be exhempt under section 43 of the Hot Air (elimination) Act 1922 (Clause 14 as amended), save if it does not suit his honour at the time in force would otherwise be deemed fit and proper hereintoforebehindafter referred to as.......
3. All councils are honest and honourable and always do the right thing, subject to suitable political leanings, and always subject to clause (2) above and the limitation that any dispute beteween tenant and council shall be found in favour of the council or such other proper body as may be...............blah blah
4. All councils know what they are doing subject to being of suitable political leaning.
5. The Duchy of Cornwall is always right..
There is one way an outsourcer can greatly increase their profits and I am going to try to make it clear how this is done:-
Here are two letters I have sent to Southwark recently:-
Althea Loderick, CEO
Southwark council
160 Tooley St., London SE1 2QH
Dishonesty in council outsourcing departments
9 February 2024
Dear Ms. Loderick
Please send me details of who investigates the various frauds that occur in Southwark council.
I am concerned today with a different type of dishonesty which is committed by your outsourcers concerning the renewal of resident parking permits.
The people who administer the traffic controls in Southwark are failing to do their work properly and instead sending people PCNs for alleged infractions. It is a very simple scam which enables the outsourcer to greatly increase their profits - possibly also at the council;s expense if the council pays a fee for each PCN issued. It works like this:-
Send email to resident asking them to renew permit by logging on. Make sure they cannot log on by altering their login details. Ignore further enquiries from resident, who therefore cannot pay for their permit. Send warden to serve a PCN. When resident refuses to pay (as I do) commence endless and expensive recovery processes.
One wonders if they ever give any of the money they collect to the council and if so how much is not absorbed in other frauds.
Please supply contact details for Southwark's fraud investigators.
If this letter gets no response I might send it again as a 'signed for' letter (probably redated), but this becomes an expensive thing to do if every letter I send goes unanswered..
I now know that somebody fields Ms. Loderick's mail because I received a letter in response to one of those I sent.recently telling me that Southwark take complaints very seriously and investigate them vigorously (etc) which came from from another address.
My response was:-
Customer Resolution Team
Southwark Council
Floor 2
Hub 2
PO Box 64529
London SE1P 5LX
Ref 23752863
March 7 2024
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your letter of 1 March, received by me yesterday.
I am still unable to renew my street parking permit because the outsourcing firm who handle this kind of thing have made it impossible to log in to renew it.
I have not made a complaint as far as I know, but you have treated my letter of 9 February as a complaint, which is rather odd - and you have talked about an estate parking permit when I don't need one. I live in a street and have no desire for an estate parking permit.
I have tried to contact your outsourcers (who I believe call themselves Dashcard Services) asking them to fix their website but have been ignored.
It would surely be better for you to contact Dashcard and ask them to fix their website and then to contact me than for you to waste resources writing to me.
I am currenlty without a permit and although in law I would have the right not to buy one but still park, this is unnecessary in the light of my willingness to buy one.
I have had a few PCNs since the permit ran out, which I do not intend to pay.
As you can see, my letter refers to a type of fraud. Could you please tell me who investigates alleged fraud in Southwark Council?
Joshua Harris,
Southwark legal dept.
160 Tooley St., London SE1 2QH
Your ref. RU030/137618
13 March 2024
Dear Mr. Harris,
Claim no. K01BR579 -Bromley County Court.
The young lady who attended court on behalf of Souhtwark did give me her name, but as I am deaf and was under pressure I am afraid I have forgotten it.
As I have not received an email message yet from that lady I need to make sure that she has the right email address for me. It is:-
You defended too late, so the judge should have judged in my favour, but I rather think he did not consider that fact because lawyers are supposed to be truthful. However, there is yet another reason why he should have found in my favour, and I will tell you that if it comes to further litigation.
It now seems obvious to me that you personally or your department are trying to cover up crimes, and that your tactics in relation to my claim (numbered above) were just a way of trying to avoid these crimes coming to light. It would be nice to know whether I am right and whether there are a whole network of you doing this or it is just you.......I am reminded of stories I have read about Russia under Putin!
I have posed a question. It would be nice to have an answer.
Althea Loderick, CEO
Southwark council
160 Tooley St., London SE1 2QH
Dishonesty in council departments.
31 October 2023
Dear Ms. Loderick
I recently sent you a copy of a letter to your legal department regarding Claim no. K01BR579 in the Bromley County Court and fraud within the buildings department. Unfortunately it does not stop there. Your whole system probably needs an overhaul.
Today neighbours expressed concern about the state of my very large lime tree because it would smash the fronts of their houses if it toppled towards them (which is quite likely). Long ago I asked for permission to fell this tree because of the dangers and your arboricultural dept, told me I could not. I need to know whether Southwark will pay for all the damage if it does go.
Your tree people tell me that if I want to fell an already badly diseased tree in my back garden (it is hollow at the bottom) I will have to pay them £6000 and plant three new trees in it's place. As this is both impractical and nearly impossible I assume a fraud of the same type as is practiced by members of the buildings dept. (backhanders all round). As I do not any longer (thank god) have a tenant I assume that what they are waiting for is for me to offer them a bribe. If I did I would document the matter and publish it (probably film it), which would be no good for you or your employees
What I would actually like is to be dealing with an honest council.
A big question.
As I am sure you are aware, anything sent out by somebody else is their copyright, so I cannot print letters the council sends me without their permission. But I can give you an outline of what they say, which will be my own copyright and only put me in danger of being sued for misrepresenting the writer. This could lead to endless wrangling but would publicise that which I am trying to publicise (fraud within the council) and make endless work for lawyers to feast on for many years, but might help to publicise that which I am trying to publicise.
So now I will try to put the whole matter into chronological order by using some of my original letters to them with my comments regarding their letters to me added. There are not many of them:
(this document might get modified when I find other letters and emails I sent and add them)
on 15 Sept 2022 to Anne-Marie Carty (building department, I believe):
Dear Ms. Carty
Thanks for reply.
I think a few crimes were committed by Frank Whittle, the Albertises and council-paid cowboy builders in the 80s and it is likely I still have some of the correspondense on the matter. Mr. Radford when he called remembered that he had been here in the eighties and so he seems to be implicated for more than one reason, and I tend to believe that he is hiding by getting you to reply to my enquiries.
I don't mind going to the police, but do you not think it would be a good idea for Southwark to investigate it's own employees' misconduct? I have alleged theft of multiple architectural artefacts carried out under the guise of doing 'works in default' by a team of second-rate builders under Frank Whittle. A fairly serious set of crimes. As far as I remember, Whittle was in charge of those works, and Radford tells me he was there at the time. There was quite a lot of correspondence on the matter because I thought then (and still do) that the works being done were completely unnecessary and would have preferred to do any that were actually necessary myself.
Re balcony repairs: As Mr. Radford took photos you will be able to see that the work was about as shoddy as it could be given what it's purpose was. I will look up the payment and sue Southwark if I don't get a full refund. If I go for a county court claim I will of course ask for interest and costs
(NOTE: No photos were sent by Radford)
There was at least one other question and a suggestion that should prompt a response of some sort from your department. Was Whittle fired and why? And how the Albertises came into the matter.
My printer stopped working and so on one occasion I was forced to hand-write a letter to Joshua Harris at Southwark. It is terribly diffuclt to read and seems to have no reference, but Mr Harris evidently knew to which matter I was referring.
I cannot get this letter onto the website, but it only refers to the reason for the council doing 'works in default' on my house.
This was followed by another hand-written letter which reminds Mr. Harris the council's solicitor that I have alleged fraud in the building Department and that as far as I know there is no Statute of limitation in claims involving fraud (on 28th September 2023).
about the 10th October I received a letter from Joshua Harris telling me that the council was defending by claiming that I was too late to ask for my money back, and attaching multiple sheets of evidence (including evidence showing the contactors had not done the work properly!!!)
I tried again to make some progress like this:-
Joshua Harris,
Southwark legal dept.
160 Tooley St., London SE1 2QH
Your ref. RU030/137618
11 October 2023
Dear Mr. Harris,
Claim no. K01BR579 -Bromley County Court.
Although you have sent me a fair paperstorm and a summons for council tax (all of which was paid long before you started the action) I shall persist.
I want Southwark to investigate fraud in the environmental health/buildings depts and that is the main reason why I brought this action. I sent copies of email correspondence with Ms. Carty and Ms. Baldiviezo to persons purporting to be southwark fraud investigators, and if they are not so then there is another fraud going on there. I understand from these 'investigators' that nobody's emails can be looked at even if they are @southwark.gov.uk
Meanwhile, going through my documents I have found a copy of an email I sent to Ms. Carty trying to persuade her to launch an investigation. Radford left shortly after I sent it, having been working in that department since the eighties. I enclose it because it might interest you.
Joshua Harris I think tried passing the matter on to somebody else, because he sent me a letter asking me to deal with that person.
AT THIS POINT I decided that the easy way of exposing this fraud network would be to make sure that as many people as possible in Southwark know of my enquiries regarding this fraud (which is what it must be). I started sending letters I had to send to the general mail address and not specific departments, and I highlit critical parts of the letters so that the person opeing them would know there was fraud going on - and hopefully would become inquisitive.
I am hoping that by now (27 January 2024) the gossip is all around the council offices.
Try this:
Joshua Harris,
Southwark legal dept.
160 Tooley St., London SE1 2QH
Your ref. RU030/137618
18 October 2023
Dear Mr. Harris,
Claim no. K01BR579 -Bromley County Court.
I am not a lawyer, but I understand that if a defendant defends then the claimant has an obligation to send copies of evidence that they have within a set period of time. Do you want me to do this, given that you are trying to avoid my claim being heard at all?
Predictably, this was ignored. The reply was a letter asking me to communicate with another person in the council.
so I wrote:
Joshua Harris,
Southwark legal dept.
160 Tooley St., London SE1 2QH
Your ref. RU030/137618
20th October 2023
Dear Mr. Harris,
Claim no. K01BR579 at Bromley County Court and the question of fraud in the buildings and environmental health departments.
I noticed today that the person making an application in this matter (Claim no. K01BR579) is no longer you but a person called Doreen Forrester-Brown. Does this mean that you are no longer handling the matter? I need to know with whom I am communicating
Please could you let me know the correct email address for Southwark fraud investigation dept., as it seems I may have been duped?
I have asked Ms. Carty to send me copies of Mr. Radford's photos taken during his site inspection of the balcony at my address but have not heard anything from her in this connection. Is she perhaps on holiday?
Just for council records I need to tell you that I have not been a landlord for some years, and that I managed to stop Mr. Albertis (the tenant I had at the time of the balcony work) from damaging the building further by suing him (successfully) on each occasion he did damage. I also sued him successfully for some thefts. He of course has never paid . Debt collectors cannot find him.
And followed this like this:
Joshua Harris,
Southwark legal dept.
160 Tooley St., London SE1 2QH
Your ref. RU030/137618
27 October 2023
Dear Mr. Harris,
Claim no. K01BR579 -Bromley County Court.
I have briefly looked through the evidence you or your colleague (you have not told me which) sent me and find not to my surprise that the contractor did not even bother to follow the instructions in connection with this balcony 'repair' which were sent to them by Ms. Baldiviezo.
Ms. Carty has not sent me copies of Mr. Radford's photos, which would even today show why I am claiming for this particular job.
I also need to ask again who one should contact in Southwark regarding alleged fraud committed by Southwark employees.
We are supposed to try to resolve this matter before a hearing, and so I enclose copies of my two earlier letters dated 11th and 18th October.
On 28 November I had written: -
Althea Loderick, CEO
Southwark council
160 Tooley St., London SE1 2QH
Dishonesty in council departments
28 November 2023
Dear Ms. Loderick
I wrote to you recently regarding fraud in the Buildings and arboricultural departments and told you I thought there was much more fraud in Southwark Council. Because of that I am in the awkward position of feeling I need to report fraud wherever I notice it. Please therefore can you give me details of Southwark's fraud investigation people? The email addresses I have been offered for this purpose are clearly not right as nobody does anything when I contact them.
To remind you, I repeat the contents of my letter of 31 October:
I recently sent you a copy of a letter to your legal department regarding Claim no. K01BR579 in the Bromley County Court and fraud within the buildings department. Unfortunately it does not stop there. Your whole system probably needs an overhaul.
Today neighbours expressed concern about the state of my very large lime tree because it would smash the fronts of their houses if it toppled towards them (which is quite likely). Long ago I asked for permission to fell this tree because of the dangers and your arboricultural dept, told me I could not. I need to know whether Southwark will pay for all the damage if it does go.
Your tree people tell me that if I want to fell an already badly diseased tree in my back garden (it is hollow at the bottom) I will have to pay them £6000 and plant three new trees in it's place. As this is both impractical and nearly impossible I assume a fraud of the same type as is practiced by members of the buildings dept. (backhanders all round). As I do not any longer (thank god) have a tenant I assume that what they are waiting for is for me to offer them a bribe. If I did I would document the matter and publish it (probably film it), which would be no good for you or your employees.
What I would actually like is to be dealing with an honest council.
(end of quote)
If this letter gets no response I will send it again as a 'signed for' letter (probably redated).
So for the present we seem to be stuck. I am assuming that nobody at Southwark will contact me for fear of the extent of fraud within the council becoming common knowledge.
And when this matter comes to court I will have to tell the judge that, although I desperately need the money to put just this one of many bodges right, my main purpose is to expose fraud in Southwark Council - I am presuming that it is a 'gang', a network, but I do not know how dangerous they might be. However, as I am so old I feel I will not lose much if I am assassinated, and I will be serving my neighbours well.
27 February.
(Part of my case was that fraudsters in Southwark had relieved of £40-50,000 over all the years I have owned my house and I have had enough).
This matter went to court today and Southwark sent a young lady to represent them who will send me an email if she does as she said she would. Her purpose in telling me that was so that she can send me a bill by email for a sum which she hinted might be £3000 (costs).
It is all very much like Russia. If you can't break them you try to find another way of silencing them. I don't suppose we shall see novichok in use but I am sure you get the idea.
Southwark's defence was that I should have appealed to the London Property Tribunal about the shoddy workmanship within a very short time of receiving the bill in accordance with the instructions sent with the bill (not provided). But of course as the victim I was not informed by Southwark or anybody else of this fact or of any time limits.
And as Southwark did not originally defend within the time period allowed by the court they actually had no right to defend in any way - even applying to have the matter struck out. That would have forced them into having to pay up.
But we are dealing with lawyers here, and there surely must be a way for them even if not for us.
The judge was as helpful as he could be. He explained the position and was polite and tolerated my appalling hearing problem, and I was obliged to tell him that I was only doing this in an attempt to force Southwark to address the problem of fraud within council departments. He thought I should challenge it by other routes, but I am too old for that. Other routes could easily take a similar time to that which the government is trying to promote for the Horizon scandal. Plenty of work for lawyers but no freedom or compensation for a large number of wrongly convicted postmasters, together with some politicians, computer experts and directors getting away with what in some cases has amounted to murder to fill their own pockets. Sod that.
And he warned that Southwark might decide I am harrassing them by keeping on asking them the same question (who deals with fraud allegations in Southwark council? I seem to recall a certain criminal claiming the same thing almost successfully some years ago).
He has a point. They do seem capable of such a thing.
9 March 2024
I received from the county court a document N24 informing me of the outcome of the hearing informing me that my claim is struck out and 'as it contains no cause of action summary judgment awarded to the defendant (this is sounding a bit like Henry Fielding...). If no costs have been agreed then the defendant is free to apply for a costs hearing and is not entitled to costs if that happens.
So now I need to let you know what my claim constituted:
Shoddy non-functioning and completely ineffective repairs to a balcony carried out by council
contractor who then overcharged for it.
I suspect fraud, which I have reported extensively to an email address that purports to be
Southwark's fraud investigation dept., and to paul.bergin@southwark.gov.uk, and
I have not even tried to find out who these people are, as it seems obvious that their energies
seem to be going into making sure that nobody finds anything out.
The claim continues in the following way:-
In 2020 Southwark council served a repair notice on me because my tenant at that time had
complained about the condition of the balcony, which was part of that of which he was (allegedly)
a statutory tenant - but he would not let me anywhere near the job to see what was needed. As I
have been a lecturer in various building subjects - particularly woodwork (the balcony is all wood).
I called the council's bluff by requesting that they should do the work. Thus it became 'works in
default'. The work was done and when I was finally able to see what they had done I realised that
the work was of the very poorest quality and did not solve the problem at all. The balcony was
not rerpaired. Photographs are available to show.
I believe Southwark is full of fraud and this particular fraud was one of a series I have suffered
from over all the years since I bought the house in 1981. The fraud works thus:
Tenant complains. Council serves repair notice. Work is done very poorly, thereby leaving plenty
of room for furthercomplaints and repair notices. Builder gets paid too much. Builder gives
tenant a commission. The first time this happened (in the 80s) the tenant was a friend of
environmental health officer Whittle, who oversaw a large amount of unnecessary work. A few
unusual architectural features disappeared during this time, and I actually saw two of the council's
men walk across the slate roof (cracking it) and remove a leaf diverter from a rainwater pipe.
In the particular incident relating to this claim (balcony works) the builder spent approximately 3
hours on site and used less than £50 - worth of materials (easily seen by visiting site) and the bill
was £2,613.00. As the works did not even start to repair the faulty balcony I am claiming a full
refund, but would appreciate compensation sufficient to allow me to do a proper repair - ball-park
estimate £2,300
1. At a public meal last week I described to one of the people my struggle to get some honesty out of Southwark. He said: "but fiddles are why people want council jobs"
2. A lawyer and a bishop were arguing about who was the most important.
The bishop said "but we provide religion. Before the church there was just chaos".
And the lawyer said "Quite. And who do you think made the chaos?"
That's all for now folks.
Let's just lighten things a little: